Move Right: Notes On the Best Packing Materials

With our packing service, we help clients prepare for their moves with the strongest and most reliable materials available. Whether you're considering signing up or just curious about the best materials out there, we've got you covered.
What you're mainly looking for in packing materials is durability. How will a certain kind of tape, box, or bin hold up in different conditions? How can you ensure that your stuff will be safe no matter what comes your way? And how can you make sure you're not hurting the environment along the way?
Here's what we use and what we offer to our clients.

We worked hard to find boxes that were both sustainable and tough.
Recycled cardboard tends to be slightly too soft, so we use double-walled boxes. The inner wall is recycled, and the outer one is a tougher, more traditional cardboard.
We ensured, though, that even this tougher cardboard would be as sustainable as possible. It's made with quick-growing pine tree pulp. And as far as packing materials go (like plastic), cardboard always takes much less energy to produce in the long run.
Cardboard boxes are great because they can come in handy in the first few days and nights in your new place. Check out our blog on how to make use of them here!

Now partnering with City Bins, we're thrilled to be able to offer clients reusable plastic bins as a more environmentally conscious option than single-use containers. These bins are unbelievably sturdy, even sturdier than our boxes, and come in a range sizes.
They stack, which means you can easily store them in your place, or in your storage unit, for future projects. You can even share them with friends and help them help the planet when they have to move.
If our boxes and bins sound solid to you so far, reach out for delivery or order online now. We'd love to talk about what sizes of boxes and bins might be best for your and your stuff.

Key Recommendations
1. Scotch Heavy Duty Packaging Tape
This comes in a handy dispenser that allows you to apply the tape seamlessly across your boxes. It's the best stuff we've ever used and has never let us down. It's also totally affordable, and one roll lasts close to a lifetime.
2. Avoid packing peanuts at all costs
Because they can take 500 years to decompose! Although they might seem like a good option for keeping your delicate items safe, they cause an overwhelming amount of harm to the environment. Consider using leftover tissue paper or wrapping your plates etc. in dish towels.
3. Bags
This might seem strange, but making use of your reusable grocery bags during a move can be an awesome way to stay sustainable. Bags are also much easier to carry than boxes on the day. And even though you'll have to do more trips up and down the stairs, each trip will be much mellower.
That's It
The most important thing to remember when tracking down the best packing materials is that it's not rocket science.
Once you know the basics, like leaning on sturdiness and sustainability, feel free to experiment with a range of stuff and find what's best for you.
Remember to reach out anytime and check out the rest of our blog here!